Our powerful analytics tools turn your event data into actionable insights that help you better understand your event and sell more tickets.
Tixsa offers powerful analytics tools that turn your customer and ticket sales data into actionable insights. Take the guesswork out of your marketing campaigns, utilise flexible reports, dive deep into customer behavior, and check in on your data no matter where you are. Our analytics tools will not only help you better understand your event, but they will also save you time, money, and energy by inspiring data-driven decisions that lead to your success.
Marketing Account Integrations
Take advantage of our Marketing Account Integrations to track the complete ticket sales funnel inside the third-party marketing platforms you use most. Easily connect platforms like Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, and Google AdWords to our system so you can see which campaigns are resulting in the best ROI. Collect detailed demographic and behavioural data, track sales from individual marketing campaigns, and collect users for future remarketing campaigns.
Use Timelines to create clear visualizations of historical ticket sales data. You’ll be able to detect trends in ticket sales and customer behavior across any event by conducting simultaneous analyses on multiple timelines. Determine which marketing campaigns were the most effective, discover notable trends in buying behavior, and easily share your YoY data visualisations with event stakeholders when decisions need to be made.
Utilise Segments to filter and group your customers based on criteria such as location, spending habits, purchase history, event attendance, and more. Sell more tickets and better engage with customers by developing a deeper understanding of their needs and preferences. Launch highly targeted marketing campaigns, remarketing ads, and customer loyalty emails.
Report Builder
Better engage with your ticketing data by creating custom reports with our Report Builder. Generate reports that are tailored to your event, group data sets together, and save your report configuration for future browsing and usage. Our Report Builder makes all your data readily accessible and presents it in a way that is almost infinitely customisable.